

STUDENTIFY , which is instrumental for self-actualisation, provides opportunities for a life-long learning.

For which standard & discipline, the Courses shall be delivered through STUDENTIFY ?

The STUDENTIFY provides all the courses from university level (Both UG and PG)

Can any person in the world register a Course on STUDENTIFY ?

No, only limited to INDIA.

What is the eligibility criterion for joining an online course?

There is no specific eligibility / age criterion for any of the online courses. The faculty of a particular course may recommend some basic knowledge of certain topics for a person to fully grasp the contents of a course. Anyone may join an online course and register for the exam.

Is there a fee to join/register for a STUDENTIFY course?

The courses delivered through STUDENTIFY are available free of cost to the learners.

Are Skill based courses also to be covered under STUDENTIFY ?

The STUDENTIFY shall also cover Skill based courses.

How can I register on STUDENTIFY ?

Go to the official website and click on "Sign-In" to register yourself.

I forgot my login password. Is there any provision to reset my password?

Click "forgot password" option and follow steps to retrieve/recreate your password.

How can I select a course on STUDENTIFY ?

After you have search a category or a keyword, a list of courses will appear. You may click the course-title of the course that you find suitable, detailed course-page of that course would appear.

How can I know which course will be suitable to enroll into?

Go through the Course-page and check the eligibility and other information.

Can I search category wise courses on STUDENTIFY ?

Yes, you can.

Can I search a course on a specific topic?

Yes, you can search a course on a specific topic.

How to find out the eligibilities for the courses?

In the Course-page, all the details of the eligibility are mentioned.

Can I enroll into multiple courses once I got myself registered with STUDENTIFY portal?

Yes, you can enroll in multiple courses on STUDENTIFY after registration.

Is there any time limit or deadline to the courses where I am enrolled?

For participation in a course which is a scheduled course, students cannot enroll after the course is started. For a Self-paced course there is no deadline.

Can I submit my assignments online?

Yes, It can be done!

Do I need a dedicated internet connection? or I can consume course contents offline once logged in?

You would need an active internet connection to consume course contents.

Can I also download my content for offline access?

Yes provided faculty has given the download access to the students.